
Please help us restore and permanently protect 40 acres of wetlands, and provide public access for passive water recreation!

Here’s how you can help (all donations are tax deductible):

  1. Send a check to:  Friends of Moeckel Pond, 26 Rock Pond Road, Windham, NH 03087
  2. Donate through the Windham Endowment at where you can pay by credit card or PayPal.  Please select “Moeckel Pond Fund” when designating a purpose.
  3. Facebook FundRazr page
  4. When you buy on Amazon, go to AmazonSmile and select Friends of Moeckel Pond as your charity and a small donation will be made by Amazon every time you purchase without increasing the cost to you.
  5. Make a premium specific donation to own our book, an art print of “Summer on Moeckel Pond” by Patti Crowley, an imprinted “Give a Dam” tee shirt, and more. Contact Norm Young, our Treasurer, via email at

Many employers will match employee charitable contributions, some at a greater than 1:1 ratio. This is a great way to multiply the effect of your donation so please ask your Human Resources department if your company provides this benefit.

We continue to pursue corporate donations and grants of all kinds.  Together we can make water in the pond a reality!